Neizahn est le nom de ce bateau depuis 2005.
Que signigie Neizahn en breton ?
Je pense qu'il s'agit du mot breton Neizhan, mal orthographié, qui lui signifie Neptune, comme chacun le sait désigne le dieu de La Mer et a donné son nom à la planète.
Son ancien nom était "Taz"
Ce post est dédié à Bergson qui réclamait à corps et à cri une nouvelle photo de bateau ;-)
Neizahn is the name of this boat since 2005.
What does Neizahn means in Breton ?
I think that it is about the Breton word Neizhan, mis-spellt, which means Neptune, as each one know it designate the god of the Sea and gave his name to the planet.
Its old name was “Taz”
This post is dedicated to Bergson which claimed "with body and cry" a new photograph of boat ;-)
It looks large and alive! Appears as though it's coming right at me--wonderful close-up!
RépondreSupprimerIf this boat was out on the water, you were mighty trusting that it wouldn't run over you!