mercredi 26 décembre 2007

Visite du Mor Bihan (11 et fin)

Admirez ce magnifique parre-battage en corde !!!
Look at this beautifull fender !!!

6 commentaires:

  1. I'm having a great time back-tracking to see the photos you posted which I have missed.

  2. Je suis novice en matière de navigation et autres noeuds marins, mais ce parre-battage est effectivement très beau. Tu peux me dire à quoi ça sert ?

  3. Oh, I really like this shot with the texture of the rope against the bow of the boat.

  4. I am so thrilled that you have two blogs because I get to enjoy twice as many of your splendid photos! You can see so very much and then take such skillful and beautiful photos of what you see. Thanks again!

  5. Hi, Happy Christmas and thanks for all the wonderful photos, it has been a real treat exploring back over past posts and catching up. The Mor Bihan series is great!

  6. Claude, un pare-battage sert à amortir les chocs contre le quai ou un autre bateau.
